We Need More Participation in Prabhat Pheris

I went to Jodhpur during the New Year, which was also a work trip. In the trip we stayed at the Singh Sabha Gurudwara. The day we came was also the day when the Gurudwara had the first Prabhat Pheri, which is an early morning procession done usually during Guru Nanak's and Guru Gobind Singh's birthday and the weeks preceding it. It is when the local Sikhs come and sing praises of God and other kirtan with a small drum (dholaki) and other kirtan instruments like chimta and the two brass cymbals (small ones).

After going through the streets the Prabhat Pheris finally reach the house of the host who is pre decided and it is matter of honour and pride to host a Prabhat Pheri. The list rotates and every year is given to a new set of people. 

In Jodhpur, the Prabhat Pheri was a very grand event even though the city has a very limited Sikh Population. There would be 150-200 people in one Prabhat Pheri. 

In Delhi, the most posh area Greater Kailash 2, on the other hand had very limited number of people. 

Well the reasons for lesser participation in Delhi Prabhat Pheris vs Jodhpur Prabhat Pheris could be many. Firstly, there are many number of local regional Parbhat Pheris and the population gets divided. The sum total of people in Prabhat Pheris may be much larger but individual ones look smaller. Secondly, there may a conjectural belief that in places where Sikhs may be a smaller minority, the sense of Sikh identity and it manifestation through larger participation may play a role. 

In any case, through this piece, it is urged that institutions like Prabhat Pheris need to be pumped by well settled, well respected Sikhs as in a country with already less population, we must participate in Sikh based events. 

Every Sikh, whatever his or her belief or level of involvement with everyday Sikh events plays a role in carrying forward the identity of Sikhism. Communities without identity may get extinct. 


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